hikma was born from the desire to reintroduce personal and collective rituals into your lifestyle. We understand the tradition and science of pure botanicals—and how to formulate them for a better way of living. Inspired by both knowledge and legacy, hikma’s products are expertly developed in small batches with formulations that are stripped back to the basics—allowing those all-natural ingredients to take center stage.

Lavandula angustifolia
Common name: Lavender
Arabic name: خزامى
TCM name: Xun Yi Cao
Family: Lamiaceae
Parts Used: Flowers
Circulatory Stimulant
Taste: Bitter (mild).
Energy: Drying, cooling.
Native To: Mediterranean region, southern Europe, and parts of northern Africa, northeast India, and southeast Asia.
Geographic Distribution: Mediterranean, Europe, United States, Australia.
Botanical Description: Perennial shrub with up to 3 feet tall spikes holding whorls of blue to violet small flowers. Leaves are small and diverse, ranging from simple to pinnate to pinnate-toothed, to multiple pinnate, and dissected. Leaves are typically covered in fine hairs.
History and folklore: The name lavender comes from the Latin word lavare, “to wash,” originating from the Romans who used lavender to scent their baths. Lavender has long been used for cleansing purposes, and was strewn about households to ward off plague and tucked into cupboards and drawers to repel insects.
Uses: Lavender’s volatile oils are antibacterial and are effective against staph, enterococcus, streptococcus, and pneumonia. Lavender's strong scent is repellent to flies, mosquitos, and moths, and it effectively kills lice and parasites. Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, lavender is useful for disinfecting cuts, wounds, and sores while it soothes pain and aids healing. It also soothes the itch and pain of insect bites. As a burn treatment, lavender essential oil reduces the severity and scarring of the burn and speeds healing. Lavender really shines as a nervine tonic for treatment of nervous system complaints such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and headache. In an anxious or stressful situation, inhaling the scent of lavender or drinking its tea can calm and relax the anxious mind, bringing perspective and enabling the clearer thinking necessary to ease the situation. Several scientific studies suggest lavender alleviates anxiety and depression. By relaxing tension, lavender also may bring relief to headache sufferers. Rubbing lavender essential oil mixed with a carrier oil on the temples often brings quick relief. Lavender is a gentle tonic for strengthening the nervous system in the case of nervous debility or exhaustion. The sweet spirit of lavender uplifts and balances emotions, eases mild depression and restores strength and vitality. It’s like a mother’s hand on your back, gentle and loving yet strong and supportive. As such, it can also be an ally during grieving. Lavender acts as a mild sedative to resolve insomnia.
Safety: Some sensitivity reactions and have occurred with the essential oil.